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5 Steps to Get Your Sprinkler System Ready for Spring

December 20, 2022

Getting sprinkler system services for the changing seasons is a must, as it ensures that your lawn remains healthy and receives the right amount of water. It's not a difficult task, but it's important. By taking these few steps, you'll keep your sprinkler system in good working order and take care of your lawn's needs.

1. Check for Leaks

Sprinkler system services should include checking all connections, valves, and pipework in your sprinkler system for any signs of leakage. Make sure the seals are intact and that no water is seeping through. If you find any leaks, then have them repaired as soon as possible to prevent excessive watering and save water.

2. Clear Out Any Debris

Check for any debris and obstructions that may prevent your sprinkler system from working properly. Debris can include twigs, leaves, and other small pieces that may have accumulated over the winter. Clear out these obstructions so that water can easily flow through the sprinkler system.

3. Check Sprinkler Heads and Nozzles

Inspect all of your sprinkler heads and nozzles for any signs of damage. Make sure that they are securely attached and working as expected. If there is any damage, then you may need to replace them to ensure optimal performance.

4. Set Timers and Adjust Sprinkler Patterns

Take a look at your sprinkler system timer. Make sure it's set for the right amount of time and adjusted for the proper water flow patterns. Doing so will help you make sure that your lawn gets the right amount of water at the right times.

5. Test It Out

Once you've made any necessary repairs and adjustments, test out your sprinkler system services. Each zone should work properly and all nozzles should deliver water evenly, which will help ensure that your lawn gets the right amount of water. According to Task Easy, your typical lawn has about six grass plants per square inch, which means the average lawn could have millions of grass plants. It's important to make sure they are all getting a good dose of water.

Get your sprinkler system ready for spring in a few months with these easy steps. Taking the time to check for any problems and make necessary repairs will ensure that your lawn stays healthy and receives the right amount of water all year round. Contact us at Oregon Sprinkler to get started on sprinkler system services today!

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